
tag t: clashes with threshold tag

adityabhaskar opened this issue · 1 comments

The tag 't:\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}' is also used as the tag for threshold date, i.e. hide this task from list display till this date. Perhaps you could use another tag, like simply 'date:...' or even 'd:..'. That seems more relevant too since this is simply a task date, marking it distinctly from due date ('due:...') and threshold date.

Also, today could optionally also list tasks for today by due date or creation date or completion date.


the t for threshold makes sense in this context though. As if you are planning on doing the task at the threshold date, it makes sense to hide it till that date. And when that date comes, this plugin will let you know what was planed in for the day. I think adding due tasks would be useful though, as then it stands as a reminder in case you forgot them!