
trouble uploading to openGTS server

Closed this issue · 6 comments

connection seems to be OK, but no points are showing up on server.
I have a debug log I'd love to provide, but I don't think I want to share it here publicly.

You can send it to gpslogger at and link to this issue, thought it can take me a while before I get to go through it.

Thank you for the assistance. I got the logging working.
By the way, what is the difference between all these options?

  • Menu -> Logging Details -> Log to OpenGTS Server (on/off)
  • Menu -> OpenGTS -> Allow auto sending (on/off)
  • Menu -> Auto send, email and upload -> Allow auto sending (on/off) and OpenGTS (on/off)

Sorry I missed this.

Log to OpenGTS is basically logging every time there's a new point received.
Open GTS Allow auto sending is allowing all the points to be re-sent every (by default) 60 minutes as part of the auto sending feature.
The main Allow auto sending toggle enables or disables the auto-send feature across the app.

Are these two the same?

Menu -> OpenGTS -> Allow auto sending (on/off)
Menu -> Auto send, email and upload -> OpenGTS (on/off)

Yes they're the same, just a convenience to be in two places.

maybe it adds more confusion than convenience
