
"New file creation" out of sync with calendar date

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Steps to reproduce: in the "Logging details" menu select a "New file creation" option out of daily, monthly, and custom. When dates are saved, the file of TODAY may include dates from 11 pm of YESTERDAY or go up to 11pm of TODAY, despite logging running continuously.

Yes I think there's definitely a bug here, I have myself seen a 'daily' file go up to 3 AM even 5 AM of the next day, before switching over. I'd guess there's some kind of file name being kept in session without checking if it's still valid. It'll take a bit of testing to get to it. I'll mark this as a bug for now to investigate soon.

Might this also have to do with the time zone? I have the impression, switching to a new file always happens at midnight UTC. I would find it more useful to be local time (including daylight savings if applicable).