
[FEATURE REQUEST] Option to change data delimiter symbol and decimal separator symbol in output files

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[FEATURE REQUEST] Option to change data delimiter symbol and decimal separator symbol in output files

This would be important because, for example, in Germany the comma is used as the decimal separator, so importing the CSV in EXCEL always needs the user to manually exchange the commas and dots before.

OK I was going to ask for some explanation.

So in CSVs, how is the distinction made? How do you represent:

15.1314, 86.24194, 55, "some annotation"

So in CSVs, how is the distinction made? How do you represent:

You mean how I must change it?
It would be 15,1314; 86,24194; 55; "some annotation"

But I'd just add an option to choose the two separators instead of making a second version

I was able to add a field delimiter into the CSV quite simply.

The decimal separator was far too problematic to add as it was affecting too many parts of the codebase and too many edge cases.
The best compromise I'm able to find is to give only a choice of point . or comma , , and this applies to CSV output only.

I've added a new CSV settings preference at the bottom of the logging details screen.


And that brings up this dialog which lets user specify the field delimiter, and a checkbox for point vs comma.


I've put a test APK here:
As usual, this APK is not compatible with the F-Droid version.
If you install this APK you will lose all GPSLogger data from the F-Droid version

Looks good :D

v119 is now on F-Droid and in the releases. I'm going around and closing some issues.