
Speed GPX1.1

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Please, add code to write speed information while logging in GPX 1.1 format.

// course and speed are not part of the GPX 1.1 specification
// We could put them in an extensions such if we really wanted.


What will you be using to process the speed? Do you know what extension it is expecting. Or a better question is, what's the most common extension that popular GPX parsing software would expect?

I did some searching I was able to find that Garmin has a <xxxxx:speed> extension.

But I don't know if this is widely used.

I'm currently using software which creates gpx1.1 files with speed data in extensions using <speed>. But as you rightly noticed Garmin requires <gpxtpx:speed> to be used. Suggest to maintain Preferences switches: "Write gpx 1.1 speed info (yes|no)", "Use speed or gpxtpx:speed tags... maybe both".

Thanks for that @dennisguse , it's very useful for me to go through that code. I'm going to try adding this gpxtpx Garmin extension since OpenTracks uses it too.

If you are able to test I have uploaded an APK here: under Assets.

This APK is incompatible with F-Droid so if you install it you will lose all your GPSLogger data and files.

There is no toggle, the extension is added if GPX 1.1 logging is enabled. I have included speed and bearing.

v120 is in the releases and on F-Droid