
[FEATURE REQUEST] Log to custom URL -> Option to set an alternative/secondary server address!

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If the main server custom URL (e.g. is not reachable after x attempts, it would be great, if the app could try to connect to an alternative / secondary server address (e.g.

I would really like this feature, because it would make the app super useful and even more reliable, if the main server is down for whatever reason.

Hi there, sorry I've had a few requests to modify the Custom URL behavior, but I don't really want to make this application responsible for any 'custom' recovery/retry workflows, or to be treated differently from other logging types, because it ends up in a lot more maintenance overhead for me.

However - I did create the Custom URL auto-send feature which is meant to be the fallback position; if the sending fails then the auto send can be used later, as a retry mechanism, and it will send the same requests to the server as before. As long as auto send for custom URL was enabled, or CSV logging was enabled.