
Feature request

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Jelte,

first of all, great job!

In all modesty and understanding some suggestions that would make my world, and that of my client a little bit better...

What would be great is if it is possible to show more attributes of a node, which will also make it possible to create a boolean attribute for the node and with that to 'select' a node and save that selection. Usecase: subscribing to a service concerning that node, like notifications.

Also, while I'm at it, is it maybe possible to define where to put the Icon (first or last) and make it clickable? The reason I ask is that a client want to create an action to go to an edit popup concerning that node, when clicking on a 'three dots' icon, mobile style (or even a dropdown menu with update and delete possibilities).

And a nice to have would be to be able to choose between the 'arrow' or the 'plus/minus' (from tree table widget) icons as the 'tree-fold-icon' (no idea how to call them).

I know you probably have tons of other stuff to do, but just wanted to let you know!

Oh and the search functionality is also really helpful!

Thanks again!



Regarding these features:

  • More attributes {declined} : The Tree Table widget is more suitable for that. It can show more attributes, in a tree structure. You could obviously show more attributes in your title while using HTML, but I recommend using the Tree Table
  • Icon placement {declined} : Icon is always shown as first, as it would be a mess if your titles are all longer/shorter. In terms of UI it does not make sense to do it like that
  • Icon clickable {declined} : Tree Table has the ability to add row buttons (with icons), so I am referring to that widget instead of the Tree View. You could even add multiple buttons in columns before the title
  • Arrow/Fold Icon {research} : I'll see what I can do. We recently upgraded to version 4 of Ant Table, should make it a bit more easy to replace icons.