
Triangle separator visual bug

baudryo opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello i have a visual bug on bufferline :


I use this theme :

My lightline config :

 let g:lightline = {
         \ 'colorscheme': 'ayu',
         \ 'separator': { 'left': '', 'right': '' },
         \ 'subseparator': { 'left': '', 'right': '' },
         \ 'active': {
         \   'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ],
         \             [ 'gitbranch', 'readonly', 'filename', 'modified' ] ]
         \ },
         \ 'component_function': {
         \   'gitbranch': 'FugitiveHead'
         \ },
         \ 'tabline': {
         \   'left': [ ['buffers'] ],
         \   'right': [ ['close'] ]
         \ },
         \ 'component_expand': {
         \   'buffers': 'lightline#bufferline#buffers'
         \ },
         \ 'component_type': {
         \   'buffers': 'tabsel'
         \ }
         \ } 
let g:lightline#bufferline#unnamed     = '[No Name]'
set showtabline=2
set guioptions-=e

Do you mean the small vertical separator before the right triangle?
If this is the case, this is not an issue of lightline or this plugin. It looks like a font or terminal emulator issue.

OK, sorry in that case.

No problem 😉