Convert to function components, hooks, ref on item creation
Closed this issue · 2 comments
sritchie commented
We should get refs going for each of the sub-items and also for the big jsxgraph board.
sritchie commented
I tried this and found some problems.
If I used this code, then I found that (.removeObject board item)
was simply NOT removing items.
(defn JSXGraph*
"TODO note that you can either add children etc... OR you can supply a ref that
just does all of this crap for you.
TODO can I have a component that just messes with the board itself?"
[{:keys [id style ref] :as props} & children]
(let [[board set-board] (react/useState nil)
id (or id (-> (Math/random)
(.toString 36)
(.substr 2 9)))
style (or style {:height "400px" :width "100%"})
kill! (fn [board]
(when board
(js/console.log "bye bye board")
(.suspendUpdate board)
(-> (.-JSXGraph jsx) (.freeBoard board)))
init! (fn [props]
(js/console.log (pr-str props))
(-> (.-JSXGraph jsx)
(.initBoard id (clj->js props))))]
(let [opt-ref (react/useRef props)]
(when (not= (.-current opt-ref) props)
(set! (.-current opt-ref) props))
(fn mount []
(js/console.log "hi")
(let [b (init! props)]
(when ref (ref b))
(set-board b)
(fn unmount []
(kill! b)
(when ref (ref nil))
(set-board nil))))
#js [(.-current opt-ref)]))
(if-not board
[:div {:id id :style style}]
(let [extras {:board board}]
;; TODO note that this trick is forcing the children to re-render
;; basically every single time. We are using react as a hack here :)
;; But this means that, for now, you can't be updating this stuff with
;; changing properties. You need to use a function that is going to
;; access some state. That should be fine!
(into [:div {:id id :style style}]
(fn [[a props & more]]
(if (map? props)
(into [a (into props extras)] more)
(into [a extras props] more))))
(defn JSXGraph2 [& xs]
(into [:f> JSXGraph*] xs))
Try this:
[jsx/JSXGraph2 {:boundingbox [-5 5 5 -2]
:showCopyright false}
[jsx/Point {:id "C" :size 4 :parents [-3 1]}]
[jsx/Point {:id "D" :size 4 :parents [-2 1]}]])
comment points out and back in or change params, they don't delete, they DUPLICATE!
sritchie commented