Idris2 :load-file behaviour
meraymond2 opened this issue · 2 comments
meraymond2 commented
In v1, :load-file would return a successful reply even if there were errors in the code. Now it returns an error, which is not in itself a problem, but I've run into two possible error cases so far.
- It fails if a function is missing a case, and then if you call
, it doesn't return that missing case. This can be tested with test/resources/test.idr.
.then(() => client.addMissing("getName", 7))
.catch((error) => {
console.log("!!! " + error)
.then(() => {
err: 'Error(s) building file test/resources/test.idr: test/resources/test.idr:7:1--8:1:Main.getName is not covering:\n' +
'\tMissing cases:\n' +
'\t($resolved1171 $resolved1169)',
id: 1,
ok: false,
type: ':return'
{ id: 2, ok: true, missingClauses: '', type: ':return' }
- Similar issue, but with
. I'm worried that the process is getting stuck on the error, and not loading the rest of the file correctly, because if you fix the missing case (test/resources/test-v2.idr), addClause works fine.
.then(() => client.addClause("f", 5))
.catch((error) => {
console.log("!!! " + error)
.then(() => {
err: 'Error(s) building file test/resources/test.idr: test/resources/test.idr:7:1--8:1:Main.getName is not covering:\n' +
'\tMissing cases:\n' +
'\t($resolved1171 $resolved1169)',
id: 1,
ok: false,
type: ':return'
initialClause: 'f not defined here',
id: 2,
ok: true,
type: ':return'
meraymond2 commented
I've checked my notes again, and for the first case, :add-missing returns nothing because it's not implemented yet, so that's not a bug. Possibly when it is implemented, it will work even if :load-file returns an error.
The second case is still a bug though, I need to raise an issue in the Idris repo.
meraymond2 commented
I've raised an issue describing the breaking change.