
Could not start Idris process

zenntenn opened this issue · 13 comments

I'm setting up on a new machine.

I am running VS Code in Windows 10, and Idris2 via MSYS2. I am using the latest 0.3.0 master for Idris2 as of filing this bug.

I do have Idris2 Mode checked.

From cmd running C:\msys64\home\HillerupJ.idris2\bin\idris2 starts up the Idris2 repl just fine. I've also tried C:\msys64\home\HillerupJ.idris2\bin\idris2.cmd, same thing.

Error message is Could not start Idris process with: C:\msys64\home\HillerupJ.idris2\bin\idris2

Thanks for raising an issue, I'll try to reproduce it 👍

Hey, after two days, I've still not managed to get Idris2 to compile in Windows, but I have compiled 0.3.0 on Linux and that's also failing to start. I'm curious if it's the same issue, or two separate problems.

Are you seeing any warnings when you start the repl? I am seeingUncaught error: (implicit):1:1--1:1:Prelude not found. If I try to run Idris2 in ide mode, it only prints out that error and crashes.

What do you get if you try to run C:\msys64\home\HillerupJ.idris2\bin\idris2 --ide-mode?

This is what I get before updating from master:

     ____    __     _         ___
    /  _/___/ /____(_)____   |__ \
    / // __  / ___/ / ___/   __/ /     Version 0.3.0-8cee40473
  _/ // /_/ / /  / (__  )   / __/
 /___/\__,_/_/  /_/____/   /____/      Type :? for help

Welcome to Idris 2.  Enjoy yourself!
Main> :q
Bye for now!

c:\msys64\home\HillerupJ>C:\msys64\home\HillerupJ\.idris2\bin\idris2 --ide-mode
000018(:protocol-version 2 0)

Then it just sits there waiting.

I'm updating Idris2 now and will post again after.

Same results with the latest code.

This is what I get before updating from master:

That looks correct.

Then it just sits there waiting.

yeah, that's correct too, it's waiting for input.

I am making progress compiling Idris2 on my windows machine, but it's slow because I never use Windows for development, so I'm having to set up everything. I have at least confirmed that the plugin is still working with Idris1 on Windows.

In the meantime, can we make sure it's not one of the other flags? What is the output of C:\msys64\home\HillerupJ.idris2\bin\idris2 --ide-mode --find-ipkg --console-width 0? I doubt that's the issue, but it would be good to rule it out.

Same with the other flags:

c:\msys64\home\HillerupJ>C:\msys64\home\HillerupJ\.idris2\bin\idris2 --ide-mode --find-ipkg --console-width 0
000018(:protocol-version 2 0)

I've gotten a bit further with getting Idris2 working on my windows machine, but I've run into this. How are you compiling Idris, are you first compiling your own copy of Chez Scheme?

If you have time to do more debugging, you could try running the tests in That's what the vscode plugin is using to start the Idris 2 process, so it might supply a bit more output as to why the process is failing to start. You can change the path in the tests here. You may also want to comment out the Idris 1 tests if you don't have that instaled.

@meraymond2 in the past I compiled Chez in MSYS2, but this time I just installed the binary Windows version and made sure the location was exposed to my path in MSYS2.

I'll let you know the results of the tests later.

Any progress on this?
Still Vscode can not start idris2 proces.

current version of idris2 : Version 0.5.1-266e06cab



can you confirm that you're having this problem on Windows, and how are you compiling it?

I never did manage to compile Idris2 on Windows, and I don't currently have easy access to a Windows machine.

I have set up a minimal test repo though. If anyone who is having problems running the extension could run the test and post the output that would be very helpful.

git clone
cd idris-ide-test
npm install
npm test