
A JavaScript utility library oriented to real world tasks

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A JavaScript utility library oriented to real world tasks.


Tiny aims to stay small and simple, while powerful and really useful.

Inspired by jQuery and Underscore, but using concepts from You might not need jQuery and the power of ES6 (ES2015).

Methods are implemented individually and not as part of a whole.


There are multiple ways to use Tiny.

Inline resource (recommended)

Grab the distributable code and embed into a <script> tag just before the closing </body> tag.


Use NPM or Bower and include Tiny.js as a part of the build process.

npm install tiny.js
bower install tiny

From CDN

<script src="https://http2.mlstatic.com/ui/chico/tiny/[VERSION]/tiny.min.js"></script>

Check releases to find the latest version number.



Creates a copy of the provided object.

  • obj: type Object. The object to be cloned.

Returns an Object.

tiny.extend([deep,] target, ...sources)

Copy all of the properties of the sources to the target object and returns the resulting object. The last source will override properties of the same name in previous object.

tiny.inherits(obj, superConstructor)

Inherits the prototype methods from one constructor into another.

The parent will be accessible through the obj.super_ property.

Fully compatible with standard Node.js inherits.

  • obj: type Object. An object that will have the new members.
  • superConstructor: type Function. The constructor Class.


Validates for a valid Object.

  • obj: type Object. The object to be validated.

Returns a Boolean.


Node's event emitter.

The most relevant methods:

  • on()
  • once()
  • emmit()


See the external module and the docs for a complete reference.


tiny.on(elem, event, handler, bubbles)

Attach an event handler for an event to the selected elements.

  • elem: type HTMLElement|String. An HTMLElement or a CSS selector to add listener to
  • event: type String. Event name.
  • handler: type Function. Event handler function.
  • bubbles: type Boolean. Whether or not to be propagated to outer elements.


tiny.on('.btn', 'click', function(e){ /* ... */ });
tiny.on(document.querySelector('button'), 'click', function(e){ /* ... */ });

tiny.off(elem, event, handler)

Remove an event handler from the element

  • elem: type HTMLElement|String. An HTMLElement or a CSS selector to remove listener from
  • event: type String. Event name.
  • handler: type Function. Event handler function to remove.


tiny.off('.btn', 'click', fn);
tiny.off(document.querySelector('button'), 'click', fn);

tiny.once(elem, event, handler, bubbles)

Attach a handler to an event for the element that executes only once.

  • elem: type HTMLElement|String. An HTMLElement or a CSS selector to add listener to
  • event: type String. Event name.
  • handler: type Function. Event handler function.
  • bubbles: type Boolean. Whether or not to be propagated to outer elements.


tiny.once('.btn', 'click', fn);
tiny.once(document.querySelector('button'), 'click', fn);

trigger(elem, event, props)

Fires an event for the given element.

  • elem: type HTMLElement|String. An HTMLElement or a CSS selector to add listener to
  • event: type String|Event. Event name or an event object.


tiny.trigger('.btn', 'click');
tiny.trigger(document.querySelector('button'), 'click');
tiny.trigger(document.body, 'layoutchange');

tiny.addClass(el, className)

Adds the specified class to an element

  • el: An HTMLElement
  • className: String The class that should be added to an element


tiny.addClass(document.body, 'example');

tiny.removeClass(el, className)

Removes the specified class from an element

  • el: An HTMLElement
  • className: String The class that should be removed


tiny.removeClass(document.body, 'example');

tiny.hasClass(el, className)

Determines whether is the given class is assigned to an element

  • el: An HTMLElement
  • className: String The class that should be adden to an element


tiny.hasClass(document.body, 'example'); // => false

Note: tiny.addClass, tiny.removeClass and tiny.hasClass are the methods of a single module named classList. It can be imported entirely as import classList from 'tiny.js/modules/classList' or as a separated methods import {addClass, removeClass, hasClass} from 'tiny.js/modules/classList'

tiny.parent(el, [, tagname])

Get the parent of an element, optionally filtered by a tag

  • el: An HTMLElement
  • className: String The tag name of the parent to look for


Get the next element sibling

  • el: An HTMLElement

tiny.css(el, key[, value])

Get the value of a computed style for the first element in set of matched elements or set one or more CSS properties for every matched element.

  • el: An HTMLElement or a valid CSS selector.
  • key: A CSS property name. Can be an object of property-value pairs to set.
  • value: A value to set for the property.
// Setter
tiny.css(el, 'width', 'auto');
tiny.css(el, {
  width: 'auto',
  height: 'auto'

// Getter
tiny.css(el, 'width');

tiny.ajax(url, settings)

Performs an asynchronous HTTP (Ajax) request.

  • url: type String. The URL to which the request is sent.
  • settings: type Object. Optional.
    • cache: type Boolean. If set to false, it will force requests not to be cached by the browser. Default: true
    • data: type String A data that should be passed with xhr, currently sould be formatted as query string like a a=b&c=d. As an alternative FormData can be passed
    • headers: type Object A list of additional headers, for example { 'X-Auth': 'auth-token' }
    • context: type Object Every callback will be called in context of settings.context or window if not provided
    • dataType: type String A mime type, [json,html,text]
    • method: type String A valid HTTP method, [GET|POST|PUT|DELETE]
    • credentials: type Sting Use the "include" value to send cookies in a CORS request, not supported in IE lte 9. Default is "omit"
    • success: type Function A success callback that receives response data, status and xhr object.
    • error: type Function An error callback that receives xhr, status and error object.
    • complete: A success callback that receives response data, status and xhr object.
    • preload: type Boolean. If set to true, it will sent requests without HTTP headers to match with the preloaded resource by the browser. Default: false.


    "http://xxxx/data.json", {
      success: fn,
      dataType: "json",
      credentials: "include"

tiny.jsonp(url, settings, callback)

Performs a JSONP request

  • url: type String. The URL of the requested resource.
  • settings: type Object. Optional.
    • prefix: type String. Prefix for the callback functions that handle JSONP responses. Default: "__jsonp"
    • name: type String|Function. A name of the callback function that handle JSONP response. Can be a function that receives the prefix and the request id (increment). Default: settings.prefix + increment
    • param: type String. A name of the query string parameter. Default: "callback"
    • timeout: type Number. How long after the request until a timeout error will occur. Default: 15000
    • success: type Function. Success callback function.
    • error: type Function. Error callback function.
    • autoCleanup: type Boolean. Cleans the callback function after the first call to guarantee the single execution of callback. Default: true


Tiny loader of javascript sources using CORS. Load scripts asynchronously in parallel maintaining the execution order. See jcors-loader for complete documentation.


    function() {
        $("#demo").html("jQuery Loaded");
    function() {


Boolean values to determine which features are available in the browser.


Verifies that CSS Animations are supported (or any of its browser-specific implementations).


if (tiny.support.animation) {
    // Some code here!


Checks is the User Agent supports touch events.

if (tiny.support.touch) {
    // Some code here!


Checks is the User Agent supports custom events.

if (tiny.support.customEvent) {
    // Some code here!


A tiny JavaScript API for handling cookies

tiny.cookies.set(key, value, options)

Create cookie

  • key: type String. A cookie name.
  • value: type String|Object. A cookie value.
  • options: type Object
    • expires: type Numbre|String. Define when the cookie will be removed.
    • path: type String. A String indicating the path where the cookie is visible.
    • domain: type string. A valid domain where the cookie should be visible.
    • secure: type Boolean. Indicate if the cookie transmission requires a secure protocol (https).
    • sameSite: type Boolean|String. It’s designed to protect from so-called XSRF (cross-site request forgery) attacks.


tiny.cookies.set('ID', 1); // Create session cookie
tiny.cookies.set('ID', 2, { expires: 14 }); // Creates a cookie that expires in 14 days
tiny.cookies.set('ID', 2, { sameSite: 'None', secure: true }); // Creates a cookie with SameSite=None; Secure


Read cookie

  • key: type String A cookie name to get.


var user_id = tiny.cookies.get('ID');


Delete cookie

  • key: type String A cookie name to delete.




Check if the cookie is supported by the browser and enabled


if (tiny.cookies.isEnabled()) {


Get the current vertical and horizontal positions of the scroll bars. Returns an object with left and top values.


tiny.scroll(); // { left: 0, top: 1200 }


Get the current offset of an element. Returns an object with left and top values.

  • el: An HTMLElement


tiny.offset(document.querySelector('header')); // { left: 0, top: 20 }


Oleh Burkhay (UX Front-End), and contributors.


See the issue tracker.

Browser support

Tested on IE8+ and major browsers.


Licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2015 MercadoLibre.