Jupiter Core React Native example


Jupiter Aggregator (jup.ag)
The best swap aggregator on Solana. Built for smart traders who like money.

Integrate with React instead?

The quickest way to integrate Jupiter with your UI, use Jupiter React Hook instead

NodeJS or building your own library??

Checkout Jupiter Core Example

Getting Started

In App.tsx, you are greeted with <CoreExample /> and <HookExample />.

  • <CoreExample /> is a simple example of how you can interface with Jupiter Core library
  • <HookExample /> is a abstracted interface of Jupiter Core Library via @jup-ag/react-hook`.
  1. Checkout Expo getting started docs here and setup your iOS or Android sims
  2. Add a .env to root
  3. Populate these value
WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY=<wallet private key> ## or set it up in src/constants
  1. npm i
  2. npm start