
Compatibility with previous shinyWidgets releases

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm not sure this justifies creating an issue, but I wanted to put it somewhere in case anyone else runs into the same behavior. With shinyFeedback v0.3.0 and shinyWidgets v0.5.1 I can't get feedback to display for shinyWidgets::airDatepickerInput, but everything works fine for other widgets. Updating shinyWidgets to 0.5.3 resolves the problem.

Hi @ericnewkirk

Thanks for opening this issue. Hopefully it will help anyone else that runs into this problem.

Yes shinyWidgets changed the internal name that the shinyWidgets::airDatpickerInput() uses, so shinyFeedback was updated to support the new name. The relevant commit to shinyFeedback is here if you are interested: 4d4a620

I think this is a reasonable update, so I am going to close this issue out. Feel free to open if you have ideas for improvement.

Thanks @merlinoa - I agree it can be closed.