
Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0



Get a shared memory segment:

$factObj	= \MTM\Memory\Factories::getShared()->getSystemFive(); //get the factory

$name		= "mySegmentName"; //optional, but helps you locate the segment in other processes
$size		= 15000; //number of bytes the segment can use, defaults to 10000
$perm		= "0600"; //permissions on the segment, defaults to 0644
$memObj	= $factObj->getNewShare($name, $size, $perm); //get a new shared memory segment

Write Data:

$name		= "mySegmentName";
$data		= "somedata"; //mixed
$memObj->set($name, $data); //will aquire a lock (blocking) before writing

Read Data:

$name		= "mySegmentName";
echo $memObj->get($name); //somedata (will aquire a lock, blocking, before reading

get connection count on a share:

echo $memObj->getAttachCount(); // number of processes / threads connected to the memory segment

Keep alive:

//if set to false (default), this instance of the share will delete the memory + semaphores if it is the last one
//connected. set to true and this instance will simply terminate and leave the data intact
$bool		= true;