
Suggestion: display warning when no points are detected when loading a .GPX file

sapphire-bt opened this issue · 0 comments

I recently tried to open in the app a .GPX file which I had downloaded from a hiking routes site. When opening the file, the map moves to "Null Island" and does not display a warning/error message explaining what went wrong.

After creating a .GPX file within the app and comparing it with the file I'd downloaded, I noticed the markup was slightly different:

	<rtept lat="x" lon="y">


Compare the app-generated markup:

		<trkpt lat="x" lon="y">


It would have been useful if the app displayed a warning such as "No track segments detected"; better yet, parsing the rtept elements and creating a new .GPX file on the fly would have been ideal.

After manually editing the file the app worked perfectly, so thank you for all the hard work so far. 👍