ReferenceError: window is not defined
Closed this issue · 2 comments
akournitsky commented
Your library is a cool thing, but :-) ...
WIX has just added lazy-lane-painter npm to their repository according my request.
Now I am trying just to import it and at this point (import lazyLinePainter from 'lazy-line-painter';) I get "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
What's wrong?
Just as an idea - as far as I understand you have no access to CSS using JS in WIX, maybe that's why?
kendreaditya commented
Did you ever find a solution? From the research I have done, it seems as though "window" is referenced in the package's code and "window" is not defined due to the structure of a WixCode.
merri-ment commented
the code must run on a node server which doesn't have access to window.
this has been fixed in 2.0.0