
EOS Service

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This is a proposal of a service. Feel free to contribute by sharing your feedbacks, implementing a part of it and share it here.


EOS is a new blockchain, competitor to Ethereum with a Smart Contract system allowing to develop decentralized applications (dApp). Connecting this dApp to other applications can always be tricky and creating a MESG Service would help to make EOS more open and easier to use for any applications. This service could directly connect to the EOS Network and relay different events and execute specific tasks.

Tasks suggestions

Retrieve the amount of EOS token for a specific address

This task could be useful to know how many token a specific address have. It would have the following inputs:

  • Address to monitor

and should return the number of EOS token associated to this address

Events suggestions


This even can be emitted every-time a transaction is processed and emits at least the basic informations for the transaction:

  • Block number
  • Transaction ID
  • Status


This event can be emitted every-time a block is processed and emits at least the basic informations for the block:

  • Block number
  • Block ID
  • Producer
  • Timestamp