
Traefik Mesh Adapter not successfully registering

leecalcote opened this issue Β· 5 comments

Current Behavior

In v0.6.0-rc-4, this adapter's logs state that it has registered with Meshery Server. Meshery Server, though, shows no signs of this registration either in the UI or in the /api/system/adapters response.


Adapter Logs

➜  ~ k logs -n meshery meshery-traefik-mesh-59c748d8f4-n96x5
time="2022-01-19T22:39:07Z" level=info msg="Adaptor Listening at port: 10006" app=traefik-mesh-adaptor
time="2022-01-19T22:39:07Z" level=info msg="lstat /.meshery/templates/oam/traits: no such file or directory" app=traefik-mesh-adaptor
time="2022-01-19T22:39:08Z" level=info msg="Registering latest workload components for version 2.5.6" app=traefik-mesh-adaptor
Looking for kubeopenapi-jsonschema in  /root/.meshery/bin
time="2022-01-19T22:39:14Z" level=info msg="Latest workload components successfully registered." app=traefik-mesh-adaptor


Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 3 48 48 PM

Contributor Guides and Resources

We're in need of logs being shown in Meshery Server's output to document adapter interactions.

We're in need of logs being shown in Meshery Server's output to document adapter interactions.

Registeration is orthogonal to this issue. Registeration is successful, I checked it. The adapter is not reachable from UI because kubernetes Service is not properly configured. Pod is reachable. Looking into it

@leecalcote Deployment is configured with wrong port. Will be making a PR in meshery

Nice work. :)