Did you delete version from PyPI ?
Carreau opened this issue · 2 comments
I've been scratching my head on CI failure on napari, and realise that no version of meshzoo<0.10 are available on PyPI. I was just wondering if this was purposeful.
Whoops, I should have thought of that. I just uploaded 0.9.9 which should hopefully satisfy your use case.
Thanks, I just wanted to make sure that was intentional deletion.
The main issue is/was that the test suite is/was trying to pin numpy to 1.19 (the oldest napari supports) and that the remaining published meshio are only numpy 1.20+ so pip was basically failing to find a satisfying requirement.
It's the same with 0.9.9 but I think we can bump our minimal numpy requirements in the test to 1.20.
Out of curiosity why delete and not yank ? I know yank is a pretty recent PyPI feature and have only used it once, so curious if you had bad experience with it.