T-Beam keeps restarting after lauchning ATAK with Meshtastic plugin.
RybczynskiM opened this issue · 5 comments
Meshtastic fw: 2.3.9 alfa
Device: LILYGO T-Beam Supreme 433MHz Ublox GPS.
After launching ATAK, device keeps rebooting (resetting). Also, when using user button to switch screens they keep going back to the first screen after a sec. Tested this on Beta and Alfa firmware.
Does the new releases work with newer ATAK versions (i.e. 5+) and what is the current supported Meshtastic firmware?
the ATAK Plugin is rather firmware agnostic. Can you provide a serial log of the t-beam when it is rebooting?
Are you using the 1.0.21 ATAK plugin? And yes all 4.10.0 plugins work on ATAK 4.9+
Also can you describe your mesh setup? Is it just one node running TAK role or are there multiple nodes?
Hey. Sorry for late response. Im testing T-Beam Supreme only. No connection to other devices no more recivers, only one phone and one T-Beam running TAK role.
Here is log file from console connection.
20:04:03 is the moment I placed my position on map on ATAK app.
I don't see any crash in the log?
This was probably fixed with the uni2shox stuff, see 2.4.x firmwares