
Getting the default font sometimes fails

meskarune opened this issue · 4 comments

Oh my system I have Noto Sans Regular as my default. However when I run this:

convert -list font | awk "{ a[NR] = \$2 } /family: $(fc-match sans -f "%{family}\n")/ { print a[NR-1]; exit }"

I get "Noto-Sans-Adlam-Regular" which is incorrect. It should be "Noto-Sans-Regular"

The bug in the awk script needs to get figured out.

oof, fontconfig stuff

I imagine that it's probably something related to fontconfig 2.13, since that's been... buggy, at times.

@PandorasFox yes, it actually did turn out to be an annoying font config issues lmao.

After some investigation it turns out it the problem is fc-match having very liberal matching and will return things that even partially match. I'm honestly not sure how to get around that. I have "Noto Sans" set as my default font, but fc-match returns "Noto Sans Adlam" as the first match, rather than an exact match.

I have a similar problem. fc-match returns too much:

$ fc-match sans -f "%{family}\n"                                                                                
NotoSans Nerd Font,NotoSans NF

Running the subsequent command with only one of these is fine:

$ convert -list font | awk "{ a[NR] = \$2 } /family: NotoSans Nerd Font/ { print a[NR-1]; exit }"

But the original command, where both values are used, remains empty.
This might be a bit more robust:

fc-match sans -f "%{family}\n" | tr ',' '\n' | while read fontLine; do convert -list font | awk "{ a[NR] = \$2 } /family: $fontLine/ { print a[NR-1]; exit }"; done | head -n1

It essentially tries all comma-separated font families that fc-match returned.

Here's a patch, should I open a PR for it?

diff --git a/i3lock-fancy b/i3lock-fancy
index d35b977..36cc583 100755
--- a/i3lock-fancy
+++ b/i3lock-fancy
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ set -o errexit -o noclobber -o nounset
 hue=(-level "0%,100%,0.6")
 effect=(-filter Gaussian -resize 20% -define "filter:sigma=1.5" -resize 500.5%)
 # default system sans-serif font
-font=$(convert -list font | awk "{ a[NR] = \$2 } /family: $(fc-match sans -f "%{family}\n")/ { print a[NR-1]; exit }")
+font=$(fc-match sans -f "%{family}\n" | tr ',' '\n' | while read fontLine; do convert -list font | awk "{ a[NR] = \$2 } /family: $fontLine/ { print a[NR-1]; exit }"; done | head -n1)
 image=$(mktemp --suffix=.png)
 shot=(import -silent -window root)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ options="Options:
     -p, --pixelate   Pixelate the background instead of blur, runs faster.
-    -f <fontname>, --font <fontname>  Set a custom font.
+    -f <fontname>, --font <fontname>  Set a custom font. (Default: ${font})
     -t <text>, --text <text> Set a custom text prompt.

I just noticed that this is a different problem than the original one.