
Slide decks from presentations given around the world.

Primary LanguageCSS


Slide decks from presentations given around the world. Slides are served up on http://mesosphere.github.io/presentations.

Additional slide decks which can be copied and modified from their Google Slides source can also be found in a public Google Drive folder.

Adding a presentation

Adding a new presentation?

  1. Clone the repo and add your files to a new topic branch. Use the format yyyy-mm-dd-presentation-name for the folder, e.g. 2015-07-22-cassandra-meetup.
  2. Update the top-level index.html by running ./make_index.sh > index.html.
  3. Commit your changes to your branch.
  4. Open a pull request from your branch into gh-pages. Once merged, this will publish your presentation to http://mesosphere.github.io/presentations.