Use mapGetters/mapActions/mapMutations
adamb opened this issue ยท 7 comments
I have created a module called partnerDataModule but I can't figure out how to access the data now in my .vue file. Before I put things into VEF I could just use user
but now that doesn't seem to work.
(Sorry I don't know how to label this "help wanted"..
computed: {
// map `this.user` to `this.$store.getters.user`
user: "partnerData/user"
I don't believe you can use mapGetters.
See: #237
I never found out why exactly this caveat is happening, but will be irrelevant in next version.
Sorry for the trouble! ๐
Please also note that VEF is not compatible with NUXT/SSR and also not usable in strict mode. All features I'd greatly appreciate any help for. ๐
Vuex Easy Firestore was made with โฅ by Luca Ban.
If you use this library in your projects, you can support the maintenance of this library by a small contribution via Github ๐.
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And mapGetters will most likely be deprecated in the next version of Vuex.
Sorry, so then dumb question, how do I access the store? this.$store.getters.user
for a regular store. But how do I access a vef store? this.$store.partnerData.getters.user
where I set the moduleName to partnerData in the data module config file? Tried that but no joy..
Would be great if the code had a simple example so a noob like me could see how to configure it and actually use the data, update it and read it, etc.
Actually, Vuex-easy-firestore just helps you get the data into Vuex, but your store is just a regular Vuex store really. Can you please share the code where you declare your users module?
I renamed it clientData actually. But here is the module.
In my App.vue, how do I access the data from my clients stored in Firestore clients collection?
Thanks for the help!
// ~store/modules/clientDataModule.js
firestorePath: 'clients',
firestoreRefType: 'collection', // or 'doc'
moduleName: 'clientData',
statePropName: 'data',
namespaced: true, // automatically added
// this object is your store module (will be added as '/myModule')
// you can also add state/getters/mutations/actions
state: {},
getters: {},
mutations: {},
actions: {},
}const clientDataModule = {
export default clientDataModule
With $
. Of course, it will be empty unless you fill it locally or load from remote.
I'll close this as there is another ticket about map helpers, and that we are focusing on other issues for the time being. Thank you.