
Slack integration

Kobzol opened this issue · 0 comments

As far as I know, Slack ( is the default communication channel for PyLadies courses. It also has simple API integration, which could be used for notifying people that their homework has been resolved and/or it received a new comment (#12).

There are multiple Slack APIs that could be used, I think that the simplest would be to use Messaging/Incoming webhooks API to send JSON requests to the Slack API from the courseware backend when an interesting event happens. Slack would then react:

  • Send a direct message to the affected user (probably the best solution)
  • Send a message to a predetermined course Slack channel, tagging the affected user

In either way, we will need to map Courseware users to Slack users. Hopefully this could be automated by matching their e-mails. If not, there could be a Slack integration button on the courseware website.

If you think that this is a good idea, let me know and I will try to implement it.