
Send an array of messages [feature request]

Opened this issue · 1 comments

What i'm trying to achieve:

---message 1---
Hello! Welcome to my Coffee shop, check our menu:
---message 2---
Hot Drinks: - Mocca...
---message 3---
Cold Drinks: - Frappe...

I wish i could send a message to the conversation by array.
so far i've promisified and serialized to achieve this effect, but every once in a while it goes out of order.

Maybe is not up to the SDK, but i wish you consider something like this:

messagebird.conversations.reply('c0nv3R54t10n', {
  type: 'text',
  content: {
    text: [ // <-- Array
       'Hello! Welcome to my Coffee shop, check our menu:',
       'Hot Drinks: - Mocca...',
       'Cold Drinks: - Frappe...',
