
"Manage folders" action not responding

suprune20 opened this issue · 4 comments

roundcube: 1.3.6, imap backend: courier-imap
"Manage folders" ( ) fails in mobile view: no response. Cromium debuggers output:

jquery.min.js?s=1523445242:36 Uncaught Error: No label found for checkboxradio widget
at Function.error (jquery.min.js?s=1523445242:36)
at t.(/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._getCreateOptions (
at t.(/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._getCreateOptions (
at t.(/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._createWidget (
at new t.(/anonymous function).(anonymous function) (
at HTMLInputElement. (jquery-ui.min.js?s=1523445226:6)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?s=1523445242:36)
at r.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?s=1523445242:36)
at r.fn.init.t.fn.(/anonymous function) [as checkboxradio] (
at r.fn.init.enhanceWithin (….js?s=1529053603:13)

Do you still have the problem with roundcube 1.3.8 ?

Yes, the problem is still in roundcube 1.3.8. Cromium debugger output:

jquery.min.js?s=1540293145:36 Uncaught Error: No label found for checkboxradio widget
at Function.error (jquery.min.js?s=1540293145:36)
at t.(/mail-new/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._getCreateOptions (
at t.(/mail-new/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._getCreateOptions (
at t.(/mail-new/anonymous function).(anonymous function)._createWidget (
at new t.(/mail-new/anonymous function).(anonymous function) (
at HTMLInputElement. (jquery-ui.min.js?s=1540293134:6)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?s=1540293145:36)
at r.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?s=1540293145:36)
at r.fn.init.t.fn.(/mail-new/anonymous function) [as checkboxradio] (
at r.fn.init.enhanceWithin (….js?s=1543825116:13)

I have this problem too.
It's a jqueryui feature
The quick workaround I've found is to modify
Row 600:

for ( index in widgetElements ) {
    widgetElements[ index ][ index ]();


for ( index in widgetElements ) {
    try {
        widgetElements[ index ][ index ]();
    catch(error) {

The error will still be there, but now it will not get stuck

I have this problem too. (roudncube 1.3.8)
Thks for js workaround prefents freeze view.
jquery issue is closed:

That markup is not accessible and is therefore not supported. You must provide the < label > yourself.

I supose that the correct solution is fix generated html no?