
Dependency Issues: Outdated versions

Closed this issue · 5 comments

It appears that the current version of the metaapi-ptyhon-sdk has outdated packages that are now conflicting with other packages that (in my case) are crucial for the app (ie. sentry-sdk).

Are there any plans to update the current SDK version.

Some of the packages that conflict are

  • requests
  • typing-extensions

Please fix this ASAP. This repo is using very outdated version...

Hello, a python SDK version 26.x/27.x with the updated versions is being prepared for a release and will be published in a few days.

Just checked the new version and the problem still persists. This package currently usesrequests==2.24.0 instead of the latests stable 2.31.0 which then turns into further dependency issues down the line such as urllib3.

Just FYI, the new sdk version is now on pypi (27.0.2)

thank you @metaapi!