
Ruby gems are not found after successful install

darabi opened this issue · 2 comments

I would like to use ruby gem nokogiri with MetaCall (installed with and am using the repo metacall/express-faas-rpc-example as a starting point.

I added a corresponding Gemfile, called metacall bundler install which reports the gem as being present.

When I add the `require 'nokogiri' statement to mult.rb, I get

Loading... mult.rb
Error: Ruby module evaluation failed
#<LoadError: cannot load such file -- nokogiri>
(eval):1:in `require'
(eval):1:in `<main>'
Error: Invalid ruby module loading /wrk/metacall/express-faas-rpc-example/scripts/mult.rb
Error: No module could be loaded
Error: Handle (nil) passed to metacall_handle_export is not valid
NodeJS Loader Error: MetaCall could not load from file

@viferga mentioned in the Discord chat that this is related to some environment variables and to #5.

@darabi Even when adding the env vars:

It seems ruby is totally fucked. I could not make ruby find the gems installed by bundler, and other gems fail horribly like the ones I have added in the test.

If you are more experienced than me with Ruby, you can try to debug it: 5eb042f

It would be also interesting to report this to Guix team.

@darabi try updating the ruby to v3 or latest stable release. that should solve your problem. Have faced the problem too.
for more you could check this out: