
Polyglot random password generator using Python and NodeJS with MetaCall.

Primary LanguagePython

MetaCall Polyglot Random Password Generator Example

This example shows how to create a random password generator using multiple languages and deploy it to the cloud. In this example project we are using Python and NodeJS along with Metacall to run the application.

You can find more details in this blog.


  1. Install metacall:
    • curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metacall/install/master/install.sh | sh
  2. Install the requirements:
    • metacall pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run the application locally

  1. Run the application using metacall:
    • metacall main.js

Run the application on the cloud

  1. Deploy the application through the dashboard
  2. Test the application
    1. Through your browser:
      • https://api.metacall.io/{user name}/{deployment name}/{deployment version}/call/getPassword?length=
    2. Using curl:
      • curl -X POST https://api.metacall.io/{user name}/{deployment name}/{deployment version}/call/getPassword --data '{ "length": 10 }'

You can copy the deployment URL from the dashboard too.