Analyze Ethereum blocks and transactions

Collect statistics about addresses, transactions, smart contracts and more.

Example output analyzing 24h of 2021-06-09 (UTC)


  • This code is a prototype and changes frequently.
  • You should have direct IPC access to a geth node, because of the large amount of API calls (at least one per block and one per transaction to get the receipt).
  • You can enter low-api-call mode with env var LOW_API=1, which counts all tx as success and gas fee as 1, and doesn't look up smart contract details (no erc20/721 stats). Then it only does 1 API call per block.
  • I'm not yet a Go expert and this codebase probably doesn't follow many best practices. I'm open to suggestions and improvements.


  • Iterates over block ranges and date ranges
  • Collects statistics for top addresses and transactions (by ETH value sent, gas fees, failed transactions, erc20 transfers, ...)
  • Output analysis as text, JSON, and Postgres database

Geting started

# Start database
docker-compose up

# Load the environment variables
source .env.example


# Run analyzer for specific block(s)
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -block 12381372          # process this one block
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -block 12381372 -len 10  # process 10 blocks starting with 12381372 (last will be 12381381)
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -block 12381372 -len 5m  # process all blocks with timestamp < 5 minutes after block 12381372

# Run analyzer for certain start date
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -date 2021-05-20 -len 5m  # 2021-05-20 00:00:00 UTC -> 2021-05-20 00:05:00 UTC
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -date 2021-05-20 -len 2h
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -date 2021-05-20 -len 1d
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -date 2021-05-20 -hour 4 -min 52 -len 2h
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -date 2021-05-20 -len 100  # check first 100 blocks starting at 2021-05-20 00:00:00 UTC
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -date -1d -len 5m # first 5 min of yesterday

# Add analysis to database
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -date 2021-05-20 -len 1h -addDb

# Run analysis for full day yesterday, and save output to database and a text file
go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -date -1d -len 1d -addDb | tee output/`date --date=' 1 days ago' '+%Y-%m-%d'`.txt


# Render HTML for an analysis in the database
go run cmd/renderhtml/main.go -id 3

# Run addresstool to get info about an address
go run cmd/addresstool/main.go -addr 0x69af81e73A73B40adF4f3d4223Cd9b1ECE623074

# Reset the database
go run cmd/dbtool/main.go -reset

# Webserver
go run cmd/webserver/main.go
curl localhost:8090/analysis/1


To do


  • Save output as HTML (in progress)
  • Top data:
    • sender of flashbots tx
    • addr with highest failed gas fee paid
    • flashbots vs 0-gas tx
  • Count ERC777, ERC1155 transfers
  • Trace calls between SCs within 1tx
  • Search for "todo"


Maybe, low impact

  • Low-API-call mode (disable receipts, unnecessary SC lookups)
  • Option to only see events from 1 SC.
  • Refactor top addresses - don't keep all addresses around but rather collect top addresses on the fly



  • Save results for 1h granularity, add up for daily stats?
  • Analyze receipt SC logs for more event stats (eg. Uniswap 'swap')
  • Tests
    • contract type detection

Interesting public functions

  • GetBlockHeaderAtTimestamp (eth.go)


Adding new address stats

  • Create a new field on types.AddressStats, initialize it in NewAddressStats
  • Collect your metrics as appropriate
  • Build a set of top addresses for this stat in AnalysisResult.BuildTopAddresses
  • Now you can access the top addresses for this stat after the analysis is done
  • Add it to the database (db.go): Update the schema and insert the value

Special times in Eth

DEBUG=1 go run cmd/analyzer/main.go -date 2020-05-20 -hour 10 -min 5 -len 1m  # lots of long block times around this time

Token Analytics

Smart Contract Types:

Problematic Transactions

  • tx 0xbcb696bf17f6d47748cd58f667d269c3dd816377db9fe17653be67f8a2d6f377 val: 362d66c830df8fb6a0335288ccdf4933a4d2dc2ace19f41285b9081c6cd478f2 valBigInt: 24505111316675076152287381684569405521618230748966674567453261522074013563122 / 24505111316675076152287381684569405521618230748966674567453261522074013563122 total: 24505111316675076152287381684569405521618230748966674567453261522074013563122
  • tx 0x50d55cad863ea3028474076882475f21c29312131a660d9628bad81c098fc30b val: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff8c2ba4d valBigInt: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913008183885 / 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913008183885 total: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584047225353006840


Inspiration & Ideas



Token transfer smart-contract calls

There are 2 relevant methods:

  • transfer(address, uint256) - MethodID: 0xa9059cbb

    • ERC-20: transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)
    • ERC-721: transfer(address _to, uint256 _tokenId)
  • transferFrom(address, address, uint256) - MethodID: 0x23b872dd

    • ERC-20: transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint256 rawAmount)
    • ERC-721: transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)

Analyzing a transaction, it's unknown if the data is for an ERC-20 or ERC-721 contract.

What we'd like to know:

  • ERC-20: Sum of tokens transferred
  • ERC-721: Number of tokens transferred


  • erc-721 _tokenId method can be quite a large number, and it's unnecessary to count the total value.

transfer and transferFrom details & examples

Function: transfer(address, uint256) - MethodID: 0xa9059cbb

[0]:  000000000000000000000000a907f05e51d1f6f2a9fb0da6cc6da9a9590a8d2b
[1]:  00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005150ae84a8cdf00000

ERC 20: transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)

ERC 721: transfer(address _to, uint256 _tokenId)


Function: transferFrom(address, address, uint256) - MethodID: 0x23b872dd

[0]:  0000000000000000000000006a95158c6cfb05fc1fd1040f46e24e9e66931d76
[1]:  000000000000000000000000ad66810a7358ad499c611d50108d0e0a8733e913
[2]:  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000055516

ERC 20:

Function: transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint256 rawAmount)

ERC 721:

Function: transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)



  • Do I really need to check status of every transaction? Analyze performance slows to 10%. Only for SC calls: 20%