
"Unexpected modification" on Linux when pasting into Ren Garden from X's "primary selection"

Opened this issue · 1 comments

earl commented

Pasting into Ren Garden on a Linux system (running Arch Linux, Cinnamon, Gnome, Qt 5.4.1) from X "primary selection" buffer (typically mapped to middle mouse button, which it also is mapped to on the system this behaviour was observed) causes the "Unexpected Modification" dialog to appear (which tells me to report to the bug tracker).

NB: X typically has at least three (yes ...) copy/paste buffers called "primary selection", "secondary selection" and "clipboard selection".

NB: Ren Garden itself seems to use the "clipboard selection" buffer for it's internal copy/paste management.

Thank you for reporting (as instructed to. :-P) The code, alert, etc. explains why the issue arises. And these traps are easy to fix on a case-by-case basis. More general solutions welcome...

I've asked @asampal to take a peek given that I'm on another focus at this time, but perhaps it would be a test of the code's comprehensibility if you could fix it. :-) ( Just a thought... )

(e,g, this is published for what it is, and review is very welcome)