
Solving environment takes forever

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi! How can I avoid this eternal solving of the environment?



I see that you're experiencing an issue with the "Solving environment" step in Anaconda, and it's taking longer than expected. While this appears to be a common problem within Anaconda itself, I'm unable to reproduce the problem you're encountering. It would be greatly appreciated if you could explore the potential solutions provided on the following page:

Looks like something is wrong with the channel. When I create requirements.txt based on your requirements.yml and try to install with conda install --file requirements.txt
I see this:

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - faiss==1.7.2
  - huggingface_hub==0.5.1
  - pytorch-mutex==1.0
  - soundfile
  - pydub
  - google
  - protobuf==3.20.0
  - sentence-transformers==2.2.0
  - libfaiss-avx2==1.7.2
  - ffmpeg-python==0.2.0
  - librosa==0.7.2
  - gtts
  - speechrecognition

I was able to successfully install the environment using my requirements.txt on my system and couldn't reproduce the problem you encountered. I believe the issue may be related to differences in the operating system or hardware architecture.

I have provided detailed information about my operating system and hardware configuration in my README.MD file. You can refer to this information to ensure that your system is similar to mine.

If your system differs from mine in terms of configuration, it could lead to certain packages not being available in the default channels. In such a case, you may consider using alternative channels or sources to obtain those packages.

Hi! How can I avoid this eternal solving of the environment? Thanks!

This is what helped me:
conda update --all
conda env create -f requirements.yml --verbose --verbose # 2x verbose for debug output

still takes ages though :D.