
Address feedback in IsoDoc wiki: Blocks

ronaldtse opened this issue · 5 comments

  1. table/identifier, figure/identifier: changed from anchor, need to be consistent (in fact, I'd rather the clause/identifier change to anchor)
  2. table/note: note should not be paragraph with footnote, given that tables can be footnoted already
  3. table/tbody: tbody obligation is 1..* not 0..*
  4. td: I'd be more comfortable with the contents of td being TextElement than paragraph_with_footnote
  5. example/list: list in the UML includes callout lists, but callout lists do not belong in example: list needs to be redefined
  6. BasicBlock/clause: why is this here? blocks in the logical model receive their clause id from their context, so this does not need to be specified

1-3, 6 fixed in 4e7fbde

4 fixed in fa417ba

Five more queries:

. Formula/stemValue, formula/stemType: These can be replaced with formula/InlineFormula (which I will call stem in the grammar`)
. sourcecode, formula, table, example, figure: these do not inherit paragraphs; you should instead add paragraphs to Admonition and Example, and make Paragraph a subclass of BasicBlock.
. sourcecode has a Value attribute of text, for the listing itself
. I would make id an attribute of the superclass BasicBlock; id is an attribute of several of these.
. Actually, both th and td can be either TextTableCell or ParagraphTableCell.

@opoudjis I've addressed the issues, and made Paragraph a subclass of BasicBlock. Any further issues?

I’m still calling FormulaBlock formula, it’s InlineForumla that should be renamed stem (as you have done).

Otherwise OK.

OK renamed StemBlock to FormulaBlock. Closing this now.