
[Feature Request] Make torchopt.optim.Optimizer compatible with pytorch lightning

SamDuffield opened this issue · 0 comments

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Currently torchopt.optim classes aren't compatible with lightning's configure_optimizers.

This is because lightning doesn't think they are Optimizable

import torchopt
from lightning.fabric.utilities.types import Optimizable
optimizer = torchopt.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)

isinstance(optimizer, Optimizable)
# False

For it to be Optimizable it requires defaults and state attributes.

If simply you do

from collections import defaultdict
optimizer.defaults = {}
optimizer.state = defaultdict()

then isinstance(optimizer, Optimizable) passes and torchopt <> lightning works a charm 😍


Can we add defaults and state attributes to the torchopt.optim.Optimizer class?


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