
[FR] Add section with comparison with other Python->JS transpilers to readme

SpotlightKid opened this issue · 6 comments

Recently there seems to be a surge of Python to JavaScript transpiler projects.

I had hoped to find a comparison of metapensiero with other transpilers like e.g. Transcrypt or projects with a similar direction like Brython in the readme and some information what makes this project distinct and why I would want to try it.

Brython and Skulpt are not even transpilers, they are Python interpreters written in JavaScript.
Transcrypt and the others are more similar to JavaScripthon, but they do not target ES6.

I do not have the time to do a full comparison, and i don't know really how much comparable they are. Benchmarks do make sense? mah

Just a suggestion to make your project more accessible to people trying to find more about it. If you're not interested in this, then feel free to disregard my request.

No, the idea is good but i just don't have the time to do it.

Just a bullet list of your project's main selling points and features, which make it distinct from other similar projects, would already worth a lot.

Yes please, it looks interesting.

@SpotlightKid , @icarito, with the release of the new version I have added a bullet list with the main features of JavaScripthon. Let me know what you think of it