
Universal instruction decoder

Closed this issue · 8 comments

4lve commented

Would be cool to have a function similar to tensorswaps SDKs swapSdk.coder.instruction.decode(Buffer.from( that decodes the data based on the instruction indentifier.

It would also be cool if you could decode an instruction so accounts are included aswell smilar to tensorswaps SDKs swapSdk.coder.instruction.format(instruction, instructionAccounts)

4lve commented

An example, I want to deseralize all bubblegum instructions. Or I would atleast like a way to get the discriminator of an instruction

const connection = (umi.rpc as any).connection as Connection;

let txnIndex = 0;
  new PublicKey(MPL_BUBBLEGUM_PROGRAM_ID.toString()),
  async (logs) => {
    if (logs.err) return;


      .getTransaction(base58.serialize(logs.signature), {
        commitment: "confirmed",
      .then((txn) => {
        try {
          if (!txn) return;
          //console.log(logs.signature, txn);
          const bubblegumInstruction = txn.message.instructions.find(
            (i) =>
              txn.message.accounts[i.programIndex] ===

          if (!bubblegumInstruction) return;

          if (
    , 8),
          ) {
            const data =
          } else {
            console.log(, 8));
        } catch (error) {

Hi there, that exists for the new js-experimental renderer but not the Umi-compatible one.

4lve commented

Where can I find the compatible one?

You must use the RenderJavaScriptExperimentalVisitor instead of the RenderJavaScriptVisitor. Beware though, the former uses the brand new web3.js which is still under the experimental tag.

4lve commented

I'm using that, what is the import of the decoder? Last time I checked I couldn't find it in any imports

What version of Kinobi are you using? This is pretty new.

It should generate things like that inside your program files.

4lve commented

Thanks, will check it out when I'm home

Hi there, I'm closing this issue due to inactivity but feel free to open a new one if you have more questions.