
Local API endpoint queue settings doesn't work

KLarpen opened this issue · 0 comments

Impress and Node.js versions

Impress: 3.0.13 Node: 20.9.0, 18.18.2


macOS 14.1.2 Darwin Kernel Version 23.1.0: Mon Oct 9 21:27:24 PDT 2023; root:xnu-10002.41.9~6/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64

Describe the bug

Local settings of the queue, placed directly into API endpoint module, not working at all. Any values there just doesn't applied, so the queue restrictions on the endpoint doesn't applied as well.

To Reproduce

  1. Start with Example project
  2. Check that general queue config at application/config/server.js contains

queue: {
concurrency: 1000,
size: 2000,
timeout: 3000,

  1. Put file application/api/example/testQueue.js
  access: 'public',
  queue: {
    concurrency: 1,
    size: 1,
    timeout: 1500,
  async method() {
    await node.timers.promises.setTimeout(2900);
    return { returned: true };
  1. Run server
  2. Open browser tab with DevTools (console & network tabs in it)
  3. Check that WS request api is active and there is messages
  4. Type in console await api.example.testQueue(); and call it 3 times quickly (without awaiting for results)
  5. All of request will return successfully after obvious concurrent execution despite our local queue setup.

Expected behavior

Local queue settings of the API endpoint must be applied to control behaviour. Reproducing example above we expect :

  • first return from the last request due to full queue without possibility to add any more
  • second return from the 2nd request due to reached timeout awaiting in the queue
  • 3rd return from the 1st request with successfull result of the long running function.


No response

Additional context

I'm already investigating possible fix to make pull request.