
New logging format

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Now we have stdout format like this:

2018-12-23T22:26:31.539Z	 system 	Worker forked
2018-12-23T22:26:31.539Z	 <type> 	<Message>

and file logs looks like:

2018-12-23T22:36:28.822Z	[system]	Worker forked
2018-12-23T22:36:28.822Z	[<type>]	<Message>

But it will be great to improve output.
Formatting for stdout:

22:26:31  system  S1N0/impress  Worker forked
22:26:31  <type>  <process>/<application>  <Message>

and file logs:

2018-12-23T22:36:28.822Z [system] S1N0/impress Worker forked
2018-12-23T22:36:28.822Z [<type>] <process>/<application> <Message>

@belochub @nechaido @lundibundi please assign somebody to this