[enhancement] Option to add code labels only to beginning of words
iignatov opened this issue · 2 comments
iignatov commented
It would be great if there's a configuration setting to add code labels only to beginning of words. IMO this is the main use-case (or at least I use it only this way). This will vastly reduce the clutter when trying to navigate to a word that starts with a very common character (which gets even worse when the word contains it multiple times).
metasong commented
close this because have config to do this already:
"metaGo.jumper.findAllMode": {
"type": "string",
"default": "on",
"description": "on: find all characters on viewable screen area; off: only search the first character of the words that are separated by chars configured in 'wordSeparatorPattern'"
"metaGo.jumper.wordSeparatorPattern": {
"type": "string",
"default": "[ ,-.{_(\"'<\\/[+]"