
Where is the code?

quhsi opened this issue · 4 comments

quhsi commented

Hi, the repository seems to contain git submodules (e.g. for metaJump). However, the access to the submodules seems to be restricted, so git submodules update --init fails. Could you please fix that? Thanks!

I think the plugin may be broken due to this issue--can't see any of the metajump commands in VScode

the code is in another repo, after I finished the refactor, it would be open again.

Thanks for the update! I’m very happy to hear you’re still working on it. Seems like an amazing project and I appreciate your efforts—they aren’t taken for granted :)

@metasong Is the src code opened yet? I'm trying to solve the issue with Integration with vscodevim but src @ b162f7e leads to an 404 page. I'd appreciate it if you could open the src again. Thanks!