
Jumping Highlights stay visible after jump

Inch4Tk opened this issue · 0 comments

When I use metaJump or metaSelect the created jumping highlights will stay until the editor tab is switched. See the attached gif:


This started happening since I added an integrated terminal profile, with a custom path and setting it to the default terminal profile.

Like so:

"": {
        "Cmder": {
            "path": [
            "args": ["/K",  "%cmder_root%/vendor/bin/vscode_init.cmd"]
        "Testing": {
            "path": ["${env:windir}/System32/WindowsPowershell/v1.0/powershell.exe"]
"": "Cmder",

When setting a native integrated default profile like "": "PowerShell" the issue does not happen. At first I thought it could be a cmder issue, but directly referencing PowerShell via a custom profile with a path will also reproduce the issue.

Overriding the terminal profile by setting the deprecated `"" will fix the issue (even when the other setting is still in the settings file):

"": "${env:windir}/Sysnative/cmd.exe",
"": ["/K",  "%cmder_root%/vendor/bin/vscode_init.cmd"],

I am honestly not 100% sure if this is a metaGo issue, but I could not reproduce this behavior with any of the default vscode movement/select actions. I would debug it further myself, but the source code for all submodules is currently set to private (intended or just an oversight?).