
Some values in the single resource view appear with extra spaces

Opened this issue · 3 comments

For instance, in a textngram resource "5-gram" appears as "5 - gram".

The reason for these extra spaces is a generic “prettify” function for pre-defined values.

Other bad examples are these:

  • “UTF - 8”
  • “CC - BY - SA”
  • “CD - ROM”

The problem is, however, that there are many more cases where it makes sense to add whitespaces around dashes:

  • “Available - Unrestricted Use”
  • “Semantics - Cross References”
  • “Speech Annotation - Sound To Text Alignment”

In some cases it might make sense to change the pre-defined values in the XML Schema to get rid of the dashes:

  • “Usage - Notes” → “Usage Notes”
  • “Semantics - Relations - Antonyms” → “Semantics Relations - Antonyms”

I think I can easily add some restrictions to this method to avoid this behaviour. The following criteria would -at least- catch the problematic values we have spotted so far and leave the rest untouched:

  • If the string contains numbers.
  • If all the letters in the string are capital.

@dmavroeidis Sounds good to me as a first improvement. Note however, that this will likely also affect our nightly tests.