InterfaceDistiller allows you to derive Interfaces from the API of a class.
Interface Distiller can either be used a) programmatically, b) via a Builder or c) via the command line. Using it programmatically offers the greatest flexibility but is usually not needed. The Builder offers a convenient way to configure distillation of interfaces. The command line interface is a wrapper around the Builder and offers the same options.
$distiller = new InterfaceDistiller;
->extendInterfaceFrom('Iterator, SeekableIterator')
->saveAs(new SplFileObject('MyInterface.php'))
->distill('SomeFoo', 'MyInterface');
With the notable exception of the distill
and reset
method, all other public methods
provide a Fluent Interface. Calling distill
will create a new interface from the specified
class and given configuration. The source class is not altered in any way (it's not extraction).
Subsequent calls to distill
will use the same configuration unless reset
was called.
To use the Commandline Interface, you have to run build/create_phar.php
to build a phar file previously.
Usage: phpdistill [options] <classname> <interfacename>
--bootstrap Path to File containing your bootstrap and autoloader
--methodsWithModifiers <number> A ReflectionMethod Visibility BitMask. Defaults to Public.
--extendInterfaceFrom <name,...> Comma-separated list of Interfaces to extend.
--excludeImplementedMethods Will exclude all implemented methods.
--excludeInheritedMethods Will exclude all inherited methods.
--excludeMagicMethods Will exclude all magic methods.
--excludeOldStyleConstructors Will exclude Legacy Constructors.
--filterMethodsByPattern <pattern> Only include methods matching PCRE pattern.
--saveAs Filename to save new Interface to. STDOUT if omitted.
The CommandLine Interface requires you to set the pathname to your bootstrap file in the
option. Your bootstrap file should contain all the necessary logic to include
any classes you might derive interfaces from. If you installed InterfaceDistiller with composer the commandline tool
will try to include the autoloader in the vendor directory, else you will only be able to
distill from native classes, Without that option.
The Commandline Interface will always reset configuration between calls. This means you need to specify the full configuration for each class you want to distill interfaces from.
A programmatic example can be found in the examples folder. In general, you will only need this approach if you need to add, modify or swap out internal components.