ANSI console library for PHP
To install Jm_Console you can use the PEAR installer or get a tarball and install the files manually.
If you haven't discovered the metashock pear channel yet you'll have to do it. Also you should issue a channel update:
pear channel-discover
pear channel-update metashock
After this you can install Jm_Console. The following command will install the lastest stable version with its dependencies:
pear install -a metashock/Jm_Console
If you want to install a specific version or a beta version you'll have to specify this version on the command line. For example:
pear install -a metashock/Jm_Console-0.3.0
Alternatively, you can just download the package from and put into a folder listed in your include_path. Please refer to the documentation of the include_path directive.
Before accessing Jm_Console's functions you'll first get an object reference to it. Jm_Console is a singleton class meaning there is just a single reference available. To get the reference call:
// require Jm_Autoloader
require_once 'Jm/Autoloader.php';
// get an instance of Jm_Console
$console = Jm_Console::singleton();
Jm_Console provides write access to STDOUT and STDERR. Output is done using the following functions:
$console->write('foo'); // writes foo to stdout
$console->writeln('foo'); // writes foo to stdout and adds a newline
$console->error('foo'); // writes foo to stderr
$console->errorln('foo'); // writes foo to stderr and adds a newline
The ANSI Terminal standard allows to define a foreground color, a background color and choose a text decoration mode. Jm_Console aims to provide an intuitive access to terminal colors when printing text.
The simplest thing is to just specifiy a foreground color:
$console->writeln('hello, world!', 'green'); // writes green text to stdout
$console->errorln('an error occured!', 'red'); // writes red text to stderr
or just specify a text decoration:
$console->writeln('Booh!', 'bold'); // writes bold text to stdout
$console->writeln('I\'m a link!', 'underline'); // writes underlined text to stdout
or specify both a foreground color and a text decoration:
$console->writeln('Booh!', 'blue,bold'); // writes bold blue text to stdout
$console->writeln('I\'m a link!', 'yellow, underline'); // writes underlined yellow text to stdout
If want to set the background color you'll have to use the prefix bg:
in front of the color. Otherwise Jm_Console couldn't make a difference between foreground color and background color:
$console->writeln('Booh!', 'white,bg:blue'); // writes white text on a blue background to stdout
Table: Available Graphics modes
Colors | Text Decorations |
ANSI terminals support positioning of the cursor.
$console->cursorPosition(0, 0); // positioning the cursor at upper left corner
It is also possible to store the cursor position and restore it later:
$console->savecursor(); // saves the cursor position
// ...
$console->restorecursor(); // restores the cursor position
require_once 'Jm/Autoloader.php';
$console = Jm_Console::singleton();
for($a = 0; $a < 3; $a++) {
$s = rand(1, 50000);
$total = rand(1,100);
for($i = 0; $i <= $total; $i++) {
if($console->stdout()->assumeIsatty()) {
$console->write('importing: ');
progressbar($i, $total);
printf(" %s/%s", $i, $total);
} else {
printf("importing: %s/%s", $i, $total);
echo PHP_EOL;
* Renders the progressbar
function progressbar($now, $total, $w=35) {
$console = Jm_Console::singleton();
$console->write('[', 'white,light');
$n = floor($now * $w / $total);
$console->write(str_repeat('+', $n), 'green,light');
if($n < $w) {
$console->write(']', 'green,light');
$console->write(str_repeat('-', $w - $n -1), 'red,light');
$console->write(']', 'white,light');
The API docs can be found here: