
Proposal: Allow exported functions with receivers other than *Service

eriktate opened this issue · 0 comments

Suppose you have a handlers.go file that looks something like this:

package handlers

import (

	pb ""

// NewService returns a naïve, stateless implementation of Service.
func NewService() pb.ContextServer {
	db, err := connectToProdDB()
	if err != nil {
		panic("Failed to connect to database")

	return BuildService(db)

// BuildService returns a dependency injected thingService. Useful for unit testing.
func BuildService(db *sql.DB) thingService {
	return thingService{db: db}

type thingService struct {
	db *sql.DB

// DoThing does a thing with the sql.DB pointer housed in thingService.
func (s thingService) DoThing(ctx context.Context, in *pb.ThingPayload) (*pb.ThingResponse, error) {
	return doSomethingWithDatbase(s.db)

This type of pattern doesn't seem to be possible with truss at the moment, as the BuildService function will be stripped on the next truss run. A workaround might be to add a file in the same package and define the BuildService function there, but it feels like it should be included with the service definition.

A solution I've found is a slight change to the pruneDecls function in gengokit/handlers/handlers.go:

func (m methodMap) pruneDecls(decls []ast.Decl, svcName string, allowExports bool) []ast.Decl {
	var newDecls []ast.Decl
	for _, d := range decls {
		switch x := d.(type) {
		case *ast.FuncDecl:
			name := x.Name.Name
			// Special case NewService and ignore unexported
			if name == ignoredFunc || !ast.IsExported(name) {
				log.WithField("Func", name).
				newDecls = append(newDecls, x)
			if ok := isValidFunc(x, m, svcName); ok == true {
				updateParams(x, m[name])
				updateResults(x, m[name])
				newDecls = append(newDecls, x)
				delete(m, name)
			} else if allowExports {
				if ok := isIgnored(x, m, svcName); ok == true {
					newDecls = append(newDecls, x)

			newDecls = append(newDecls, d)

	return newDecls

// potential new function
func isIgnored(f *ast.FuncDecl, m methodMap, svcName string) bool {
	name := f.Name.String()
	rName := recvTypeToString(f.Recv)
	if rName != svcName+"Service" {
		log.WithField("Func", name).WithField("Receiver", rName).
			Info("Exported func is not on service receiver; ignoring")
		return true
	return false

The allowExports bool in the function signature would allow for this functionality to be placed behind a flag. This change just checks if the exported function declaration has the service struct as a receiver. If it DOES have the service struct as a receiver than it will be handled normally. If it DOESN'T have the service struct as a receiver, than it will ignore that function when pruning.

Thoughts about adding this sort of functionality? Or the proposed solution? If the desired workflow for something like this is to use a different file than handlers.go that's fine too, just wondering if anyone else would benefit from something like this.