
Define int in proto but got string

anotherGoogleFan opened this issue · 3 comments

My proto is like this:

syntax = "proto3";

package prototest;

option go_package = ".;prototest";

import "";

service Test {
	rpc Add1(add1Request) returns(Add1Response){
		option (google.api.http) = {
			post: "/add_1"
			body: "*"

message add1Request{
	uint64 ori = 1;

message Add1Response{
	uint64 ans = 2;

AND I post a request:

    "ori": 15

I got the response like this:

    "ans": "16"

but in proto file, I define ans is an int, not string.
I think the response should be like this:

    "ans": 16

I tried many times and found that it seems like a bug in
I raise an issue: gogo/protobuf#718

Thanks a lot. That solve my problem.