
unable to see anything at /styleguide as stated in the documentation at the github link..

jbenga opened this issue · 3 comments

After adding mdg:chromatic as noted at, I'm unable to see anything at /styleguide as stated in the documentation at the github link..

In github, under 'usage' section for mdg:chromatic, it says: "Chromatic is available at /styleguide in your app in development mode".


Which version of Meteor are you using?

Same here with Meteor 1.3
I somewhere have

export default class PostButton extends Component {
  render() {
    console.log('render PostButton');

const {Chromatic} = Package['mdg:chromatic-api'] || {};
console.log('Chromatic', Chromatic);
if (Chromatic) {
  Chromatic.add(PostButton, {
    specs: [
      new Chromatic.Spec('specName1', {props:

that does log a Chromatic object that looks ok, but no message from the render method. Then http://localhost:3000/styleguide redirects to http://localhost:3000/styleguide/components so it seems something is going on, but this returns an empty page

Did you manage to fix this issue? I'm having the same problem.