
Error when installing package `jam:method`

jamauro opened this issue · 5 comments

When installing jam:method, people continue to see the error below.

Reported by guncebektas and janmp in Meteor forums. Here’s the most recent one:

Error: Found multiple packages matching name: jam:method
    at RemoteCatalog.getPackage (/tools/packaging/catalog/catalog-remote.js:602:13)
    at LayeredCatalog._returnFirst (/tools/packaging/catalog/catalog.js:190:32)
    at LayeredCatalog.getPackage (/tools/packaging/catalog/catalog.js:194:17)
    at /tools/cli/commands-packages.js:2207:59
    at Object.enterJob (/tools/utils/buildmessage.js:388:12)
    at /tools/cli/commands-packages.js:2197:20
    at Function.each (/Users/jan-michaelpilgenroeder/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.
    at /tools/cli/commands-packages.js:2196:7
    at Object.capture (/tools/utils/buildmessage.js:283:5)
    at Command.func (/tools/cli/commands-packages.js:2195:31)

@aquinoit @Grubba27 @fredmaiaarantes can you please assist? I’m not sure why people continue to get this error. I thought it had been fixed here:

I will check!!

Thanks for investigating. I really appreciate it.

My concern is that this will be an issue for anyone that doesn’t do a fresh install of Meteor. Hopefully that isn’t the case because that would create a lot of friction to use this package.

Is there a way to solve the issue without requiring people to reinstall Meteor? Maybe updating the Atmosphere packages db directly to remove the conflicting version?

Just had a report of the same issue with jam:easy-schema: jamauro/easy-schema#3

@aquinoit Is wiping Meteor and reinstalling the only solution?

I'll check with our OSS team to see if we can somehow resolve this without reinstalling or cleaning the rm ~/.meteor/package-metadata/v2.0.1/

Ok thanks!