
Underscore _.where function return only one item

LionelGuerin opened this issue · 5 comments


I'm using and reproducing this with meteor on Mac (version 14.2.1) and ubuntu (version 20.04.6)

Since Meteor 2.15, with the upgrade of underscore from 1.0.13 to 1.6.1 .

The return of the function _.where(array, {criteriaToFind}) seems to always be the first element to correspond to the search.

In previous meteor versions, the function _.where used to return an array of every items find.

I made a repository to reproduce the problem.

It's composed of three folders to tests with meteor 2.15 , meteor 2.14 and with vanilla underscore NPM.

For meteor 2.15

git clone

cd underscore_where/meteor_underscore

npm i


Go to your browser then click on "Click Me"
You should see the following server log

underscoreTest { randomid: '0DVVuahGdr', tofind: true }

For meteor 2.14

git clone

cd underscore_where/2-14_meteor_underscore

npm i


Go to your browser then click on "Click Me"
You should see the following server log

underscoreTest [
  { randomid: '0DVVuahGdr', tofind: true },
  { randomid: '6DAPnPUk7k', tofind: true }

For vanilla underscore NPM

git clone

cd underscore_where/2-14_meteor_underscore

npm i

node underscore_vanilla.js

You should see the following log

underscoreTest [
  { randomid: '0DVVuahGdr', tofind: true },
  { randomid: '6DAPnPUk7k', tofind: true }

I have seen another underscore issue with _.intersection, but it seems to be a different problem.
If you need any more information, i will be happy to help ;)

This hit me too -- lots of places where I was using _.where to filter an array, now they all return an object. Happy to help with a bug fix.

In this PR, things changed.

Before, _.where was implemented using either _.filter(returning every item) or with _.find(returning only one, the first that matches)

What you can do is override it like this:

  _.where = function(obj, attrs) {
    return _.filter(obj, _.matches(attrs));

I'll test it here in your repo and leave an edit.


it works

Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 10 17 00

Yep, we're seeing this bug pop up in dependants of meteor/underscore. One example is aldeed/autoform v6.3.0.

An array is expected here, but an object is returned from _.where(), so we're left with

_.where(/* ... */)[0]

{ /* ... * /}[0]  // <- undefined

Yes, I know aldeed/autoform@6.3.0 is outdated 😅 and we're working on updating it now, but it sounds like there are other affected dependants :).
Would it be possible to revert the _.where change? We could help with a PR if you like.

Here's the where changeset:

Thanks for all the hard work!

Just in case anyone needs a short-term workaround - Meteor allows for override packages, even core, by placing the package source code in the packages folder in your application's root.



@StorytellerCZ: Can you provide more context about this change?

It replaced _.where with _.find, making it return a single element instead of a filtered array. Here's the commit. Would it be better to revert it and use _.where instead?